Lincoln and Baldwin

Lincoln and Baldwin turned one on January 6. At age one, SDV service dogs in training begin to transition from puppy classes to advanced training. But before advanced training takes place, all dogs must complete the Guide Dog Behavioral Response Assessment Test (GDBART).

The GDBART is a short (10-15 minute) test that is completed in a room that is set up in a particular way so that the dog will have exposure to various stimuli such as a vacuum cleaner, fan, loud noises and novel objects such as animated soft toys. SDV trainers score the dogs using the Behavior Checklist (BCL). The assessment of the dog helps the trainers determine if the dog is suitable candidate for service dog work and help pinpoint what areas the dog needs improvement.

Both Lincoln and Baldwin did well and have begun their advanced training! Below are short clips of Lincoln’s ad Baldwin’s GDBART test.

Above is a video of Lincoln. During this part of the test, trainers are looking to see if he shows any stress when going through a “tight space” and to see if there are any surface sensitivities.

In the video above, trainers see if Lincoln will react to the novel object in movement. As you will see, Lincoln acknowledged the object but did react to it. Great job Lincoln!

Below, you will see Baldwin’s reaction to same object.

In the video below, the trainers are looking to see if Baldwin shows any signs of stress to the sound of the vacuum.

Check back soon to learn about SDV’s 5 puppies and their progress!


41 weeks of Lincoln


Happy Howlidays from SDV!